Sasuke & Sakura: An Analysis
Chapter 23
Sasuke Greets Sakura First
For the three times that Sasuke and Sakura encounter each other in Shippuden, Sasuke always makes a point of addressing her first by name.
During their first reunion in Shippuden at Orochimaru's lair, Sakura is swept up in her anger at Sai, so distracted she doesn't even see Sasuke standing nearby. Interestingly it is Sasuke who calls out to her, intentionally and purposefully drawing her attention to him.
In their second run-in in the Land of Iron, Sasuke once again addresses Sakura by name. Though he had been focused on killing Karin, Sakura calling out to Sasuke by name effectively distracts him altogether (interesting, since Sasuke is a man who isn't easily distracted).
It's notably different from how Karin weakly calls Sasuke's name to stop him from killing Sakura, but he pays Karin's words no heed.
During their final run-in in Shippuden, Naruto tries to engage Sasuke in conversation and vies for Sasuke's attention with his words, yet despite Naruto's efforts to snag Sasuke's attention, Sasuke doesn't address Naruto first. Rather, Sasuke pointedly acknowledges Sakura first, by name.
Despite Sasuke's attempts to pretend he's indifferent to his old team, Sasuke betrays his feelings by making a pointed acknowledgement of Sakura's presence first whenever they encounter each other.