Sasuke & Sakura: An Analysis
Chapter 15
Sakura vs. Other Girls
Sasuke is deeply bothered by physical touch from other women, with Sakura as the notable exception.
Generally Sasuke's tactic of dealing with fangirls is to attempt to ignore them. Although for his whole life he has attracted flocks of girls since his academy days, Sasuke had no interest in such shallow-minded individuals, not as friends and certainly not as love interests.
The two most persistent hopeful fangirls in Sasuke's lives apart from Sakura were Ino and Karin, and the difference between how Sasuke interacts with them versus how he approaches Sakura is striking.
Sasuke flat-out rejected Ino's token of her affection during their academy days:
He's immensely annoyed at Ino's presumptuous behavior at touching him, glaring at her with clear irritation at the unwanted nuisance draping herself across his shoulders:
Sasuke directly tells Karin off when her flirting becomes too overt and raunchy and invasive of his personal space for him to ignore:
And if his alarmed and uncomfortable expression doesn't convince you that Sasuke dislikes Karin's flirtatious advances and feels extremely uncomfortable by them, then I don't know what will:
Karin's flirting attempts are meant to allure and seduce Sasuke, but ironically in a comical twist they do the opposite; Karin's flirtatious behavior ends up making Sasuke feel deeply uncomfortable and confuse Sasuke, leaving him feel perplexed by Karin's erratic behavior. Rather than being enticed by Karin's behavior, Sasuke is put off by it, treating her unusual approach with distrust and suspicion...when he's not totally puzzled by her strange and undesirable behavior, that is.
Sasuke dislikes Karin touching and flirting with him and losing focus on her job, as he tells her to stop wasting time and get on with her mission already. When Karin tries to hang on to him, his expression looks less than impressed or pleased with Karin's unwanted advances:
Sasuke also doesn't seem to want to be known to be attached to any woman apart from Sakura. When Karin asks if Sasuke and Chino are a couple, Sasuke quickly refutes it right away, not risking characteristic silence as a response in case that should lead to a misunderstanding, which indicates a strong desire that he not be romantically affiliated with another woman. Considering that this transpires during the time when Sasuke and Sakura's love was blossoming softly into a romance, it does seem to indicate that Sasuke does not want to so much as even risk rumors of him being romantically associated with any woman outside of the one he has chosen as his one and only partner, that being Sakura. It's especially interesting since in just about every other aspect Sasuke doesn't usually care about his reputation or what others think of him - but it appears he does care when people get the wrong idea about who his romantic partner is.
Anyway, while Sakura isn't too keen on Sakura's flirting either, Sasuke repeatedly shows that he doesn't mind Sakura's physical touch. He accepts her touch:
Often is him who initiates it.
Sasuke isn't annoyed by Sakura's touch like he is when every other girl invades his personal space. Sometimes Sakura's physical presence is even necessary for Sasuke to get a grip on himself, like the Forest of Death hug, and at other times her presence provides a sense of comfort, support, and familial warmth to Sasuke. It's a stark contrast, since while other girls always have to initiate physical contact with Sasuke, with Sakura it is often he who initiates physical touch first with Sakura.