Sasuke & Sakura: An Analysis
Chapter 13
Sasuke Criticizes Sakura for Flirting
As for Sasuke criticizing Sakura for flirting and telling her that she was even less skilled than Naruto, Sasuke wasn't being unnecessarily cruel to Sakura. He made a valid point: Sakura's skills needed improvement and she needed to start taking her career as a shinobi seriously. She needed to train harder, not just play around all the time. After all they are warriors, not part of some dating club.
Considering that Sakura was the weakest of her peers in Part I, Sasuke was right when he said that Naruto was a better fighter than Sakura was and that she needed to practice if she wanted to keep up. At least Sasuke pointed out to her where she needed improvement and gave her constructive feedback, instead of ignoring her like a certain sensei *cough* Kakashi *cough* was.