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Sasuke & the Uchiha Clan: An Analysis

Chapter 12

Sasuke's Relatives

Did Sasuke have relatives outside of Itachi and his parents?


Yes, according to Shippuden episode 481, when Fugaku mentions going to visit Mikoto's relatives. Mikoto had living relatives, though the series never specifies how many or whether they are her parents, sisters, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.



































Even if Mikoto's relatives weren't specifically mentioned in the series, by deduction we know that Sasuke had four grandparents, and it seems likely that at least one (if not more) of his grandparents would have survived into old age, or at least long enough to have become a grandparent. Mikoto and Fugaku could both be orphans, but it seems more probable that between the two of them, there would be at least one surviving parent.


Additionally, Mikoto or Fugaku might have had siblings, aunts or uncles, or cousins. I personally believe that Mikoto and Fugaku weren’t the only living blood relatives Sasuke had that perished the night of the Uchiha massacre; it seems probable that Itachi or Obito killed more of Sasuke’s family members than just Sasuke’s parents, since I doubt that Mikoto and Fugaku both were the only remnants of their respective bloodlines.


Obviously Sasuke wasn’t nearly as close to his extended family as he was to his immediate family, but it’s possible that Sasuke had decent or even close relationships with extended family, though the series doesn’t show those bonds since it’s not immediately relevant to the larger story.


One might conclude that because Sasuke doesn't ever mention his extended family, he isn't particularly hurt by their deaths. I can't say that is a good assumption, since one can't say that with complete certainty. Sasuke doesn't mention the horrors of watching Uruchi or Teyaki die either, even though their deaths were greatly traumatizing to him. Sasuke doesn’t even mention his parents much except for in the flashback memories we get either, even though the pain of their loss is never far from his mind and a loss he suffers from all the time. As I've said before, Sasuke isn't one to complain, so just because he doesn’t outwardly gripe or monologue about the emotional pain he's suffering doesn't mean he's not in pain, it just means he's not going to discuss it. He's the kind of person to suffer quietly rather than voice his pain. Besides, Sasuke isn't the main character so we're not privy to Sasuke's every thought. It's fairly rare to get Sasuke's internal dialogue and many of his inner thoughts are never directly revealed, only indirectly implied.

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© 2022 Indra Nakari

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